Construction Materials Testing

We perform testing and inspection on a wide variety of projects ranging from heavy industrial and mining to commercial. Our lab is AASHTO accredited and our experienced technicians hold certifications for MNDOT, ACI, and ICC. We can perform laboratory and field testing including but not limited to the following:
- Concrete Compressive Strength
- Grout Compressive Strength
- Masonry Prism Compressive Strength
- Concrete Properties (Slump, Air Entrainment, Unit Weight, Temperature)
- Soil Particle Size Analysis/Laboratory Density
- Specific Gravity
- Atterberg Limits
- Organic Content
- Unconfined Compressive Strength
- Concrete Properties (Slump, Air Entrainment, Unit Weight, Temperature)
- Reinforcing Steel Inspections
- Excavation Observation
- Proof Rolls
- Soil Sampling
- Soil Density Testing (Nuclear and Sand Cone Methods)
- DCP Testing
- Special Inspections (Soil, Masonry, Reinforced Concrete, Prestressed Concrete, Spray Applied Fireproofing, Structural Steel)
Please contact our field operations supervisor or CMT laboratory supervisor to request our services or additional information on specific test methods.